white jews can have white privilege while also facing antisemitism. racism in america is directed primarily at BIPOC, making that intersectional oppression uniquely hard for BIPOC jews. saying all jews are white OR saying all jews are BIPOC erases that very real intersection.
maybe a literal nazi wouldn’t consider you white, but an american police officer would. that’s the fucking difference.
white supremacy inherently harms jewish people regardless of our appearance, but proximity to whiteness can also benefit jews who seek power. (see: ben shapiro.)

so, jews who are considered white by society have a responsibility to fight antiBlackness and other forms of racism.
jewish people and our relationship to whiteness is complicated at best, but it’s important to acknowledge the material privilege that a lot of white jews have. i understand that i am both jewish and white. i have white privilege and suffer from antisemitism. at the same time.
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