I live two blocks down from a Rexall. I walked there at 7 in the dark, thinking about ways to get women outside during dark winter and COVID. Ironically, on the way back, I had a scary experience: I came out with my bags and saw a man in a van with his window rolled down... #YEG
He catcalled me, drove in front of me, blocking my path, and asked me if I needed a ride home. Quickly averting my gaze and walking faster, I quietly said "No thanks" while walking around the van. I looked around. The street was dark and I was alone. No pedestrians, an odd car...
It was just me and the van. I heard the van turn and drive in my direction. Shaking, I pulled my phone out and called my boyfriend. I heard the van slow behind me for a block, but eventually it drove off. This was not the first time this happened to me, and it won't be the last..
I sit on a women's advisory board for the city. We talked in the summer about how important outdoor spaces would be during COVID this winter. But I was outside at 7 PM in a "safe" neighbourhood and I still felt unsafe. The streets were dark, and I was alone. No pedestrians.
It gets dark at 5 PM. We're all supposed to lockdown and avoid socializing indoors with others. So what are #YEG women supposed to do? Go outside in the dark and feel unsafe? Try to work it into their schedules to go out during the day? Stay inside and have mental health suffer?
I keep thinking about my experience. My initial reaction was "It was my fault for walking alone in the dark." But I live in Canada where it gets dark early, and I deserve to feel safe when accessing the city I live in. So how can we help women feel safer in #YEG?
I compare my new neighbourhood of Goldbar to Oliver; I felt WAY safer there at night. There was people on the sidewalks, good lighting, & "safe places" nearby to go to if an incident happened. Tonight when I was scared, I was struck by how alone I felt in a city of 1 million.
My street is desolate after dark. The streetlights are spread out. I was grateful for the Christmas lights. But I don't feel safe walking alone at night anymore, so that means staying inside after 5 PM, which keeps me housebound because of my gender, and it shouldn't be that way.
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