Wyoming state @GOP Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18, COVID swept through his church infecting many. Oct 31, he was intubated. Nov 2 he died from COVID. https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-wyoming-casper-gillette-e812d2bc090405411bab9f78a4c4d87a
‘We are not afraid’: State GOP lawmakers flout rules as COVID-19 surges in Pa.

On another day of record-smashing new cases in PA, at least 19 @GOP representatives met at the state Capitol, ignoring the Wolf Administration’s public health orders. https://whyy.org/articles/we-are-not-afraid-state-gop-lawmakers-flout-rules-as-covid-19-surges-in-pa/
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has put himself in quarantine after meeting with a staff member last week in Indiana who later tested positive for COVID-19. @GOP https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/525201-gop-senator-in-quarantine-after-being-exposed-to-staffer-with-covid-19
Two @GOP Oklahoma House of Reps, Kevin Wallace & Tammy Townley, are positive for coronavirus, just days after a swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol in which many lawmakers and their families weren’t wearing masks or practicing social distancing.
After abruptly canceling session, House Republicans reveal that Michigan State Rep. Scott VanSingel, R-Grant, has coronavirus. @GOP https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/11/after-abruptly-canceling-session-house-republicans-reveal-a-member-has-coronavirus.html
59-year-old Kim Ashe-McPherson Republican Councilwoman for Troy New York has tested positive for COVID-19. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Troy-Councilwoman-Ashe-McPherson-sick-with-15726297.php
Republican Michigan State Senator Kim LaSata, Bainbridge Township, is the latest Michigan lawmaker to test positive for COVID-19. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/13/mich-senator-reveals-positive-covid-19-test-after-attending-session/6280446002/
Rural Republican-leaning counties lead the surge in Pennsylvania COVID-19 cases

Health experts say it has to do with perceptions of the virus among Republicans, where fewer people are wearing masks and practicing social distancing. @GOP https://www.witf.org/2020/11/10/rural-republican-counties-lead-the-surge-in-pennsylvania-covid-19-cases/
Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves' wife & 3 daughters are in isolation after the youngest tested positive for the COVID. Maddie Reeves, 8, attends a private school in Jackson "She feels OK, but could still use prayers! Please pray for her momma too!" https://michigansthumb.com/news/article/Mississippi-governor-says-his-youngest-daughter-15717373.php
. @GOP Nebraska state Sen. Mike Groene "As you know, I finally got my wish and contracted COVID, As I suspected it would happen"

Groene said he was glad to be done with the infection and feels that being infected is an option for achieving "herd immunity." https://americanindependent.com/nebraska-state-senator-mike-groene-covid-19-herd-immunity-donald-trump-scott-atlas-coronavirus-vaccine/
Republican Dr. Ben Carson tests positive for COVID19 as the White House outbreak continues. @DrCameronWebb and I called him out for his reckless behavior weeks ago. Same story again and again. @GOP https://twitter.com/Cleavon_MD/status/1319442054326284289?s=20
Republican Herman Cain, 74, died from COVID after attending Trump's superspreader maskless rally in Tulsa Oklahoma. @GOP
Peter Secchia — a Grand Rapids Michigan-area businessman and Republican megadonor who once said, "If you don't want to support Donald Trump: Shut up!" — died October 21 from COVID. He was 83. @GOP http://metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2020/10/21/republican-megadonor-died-after-getting-covid-19
Craighead County Arkansas Republican Party Chairman Steven Farmer died from COVID-19. Farmer had reportedly been in the hospital battling the disease for weeks and placed on a ventilator. @GOP
An Indian man, Bussa Krishna, died from cardiac arrest following four days of fasting and praying for President Trump’s health after his COVID-19 diagnosis. Krishna built a Donald Trump shrine in India and prayed for his health. He was 33
Former Nashville Republican councilman Tony Tenpenny died from COVID. Tenpenny was a vocal skeptic of the virus' severity and shared several posts on social media that spread disinformation about the pandemic. @GOP https://people.com/health/former-nashville-council-member-skeptical-of-coronavirus-dies-of-covid-19/
Minnesota @GOP sent virus alert only to its side of the aisle

“This lack of transparency is a blatant disregard for the health and safety of others: our Democratic–Farmer–Labor and nonpartisan staff, members, and the communities we go home to.”
COVID-19: @GOP Minority Whip To Cuomo, 'I’ll be having more than 10 people for Thanksgiving. Some family will come from (gasp!) New Jersey. Kids will see their grandparents, cousins will play in the yard”
Televangelist Rev. Irvin Baxter dies from COVID-19 after claiming the pandemic was God’s ‘wake-up call’ for premarital sex. For him, God created the virus as a means to expose society’s sinful ways. He is survived by his wife of 55 years & 3 children.
Bishop Harry Jackson, Trump evangelical adviser, has died of ?? He allied with the Religious Right to call for a new civil rights movement that focused on abortion & opposing same-sex marriage. He attended Amy Coney Barrett announcement as Trump’s nominee https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/november/death-bishop-harry-jackson-trump-adviser-black-conservative.html
The family of former Obama admin. official, Patrick Hidalgo, 41, were told his death was due to heart failure. They found out ON THEIR OWN that he died of Covid.

Florida REFUSED to test Hidalgo's remains for coronavirus despite their multiple requests!
Danny Rice, 67, knows how dangerous COVID is. What puzzles him are the people who have curtailed so much of their lives to avoid being infected by the virus. “I don’t want to catch it. But if I get it, I get it. That’s just how I feel.”
Former Republican Minnesota State Representative Nick Zerwas, 39, is recovering at his home in Elk River after being admitted to the ICU for hypoxia due to COVID. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/ex-state-rep-nick-zerwas-describes-terrifying-experience-with-covid-19
🦠Republican Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, 61, tests positive for COVID. He doubled down on criticism of Gov. Walz’s COVID restrictions, saying “our future cannot be prolonged isolation, face coverings and limited activities.” @GOP https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/11/15/minnesota-senate-majority-leader-gazelka-tests-positive-for-covid19
More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel. https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2020/11/13/more-than-130-secret-service-officers-are-said-to-be-infected-with-coronavirus-or-quarantining-in-wake-of-trumps-campaign-travel/
. @MarkMeadows tested positive for Covid-19. Here he is on election night with Trump and other repeat offenders indoors.
📽️: @Rkrahenbuhl
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