An incredibly sinister biological conspiracy has rendered you a simpering waiflike reed floating in the wind, trembling at every bit of new horrible "truth" that seeks to undo your very constitution and drive you mad. I'm talking of course about Thinking and why it's harmful.
First we must begin with the brain. Long long ago, human beings were less corporeal and could vividly grasp the mechanisms of the False Reality we are now imprisoned by our senses to, and the Secret Reality that creates the mechanisms for things we would call magic now.
Through some unforeseen conjunction with distant places in the 3rd dimension, a parasite which was almost completely based in physical reality. This known as the Brain. Human beings then were largely a structurally unstable creature that would oscillate between many forms.
Rogue brains which gestated small tadpole like creatures would latch onto proto-human forms while they were temporarily visiting 3rd dimension False Reality places on Earth. These tadpoles administered electromagnetic pulses which held this corporeal form long enough to infect.
They would find some orifice, usually the nose or ears, and bore pathways into where the current day skull center is now. Before this process, the human corporeal form was largely different in a way that would look grotesque to you now, a form chosen for recreational purposes.
Sensory perception was a curious past time of the beings that our species descended from. The parasitic organism generally chose the spot that was in closest proximity to the most input/output points of sensory perception, in order to facilitate their use and communicate.
Humans before the great Infection would communicate seamlessly through telepathy. A Thought or Feeling was perfectly transmitted to another, with the recipient experiencing it with 100% accuracy as their own. Brains did not have this, they had to use 3rd dimension tools instead.
The brains within their flesh shells, trapping the human and taking control of their 3rd dimension vessel, would communicate with one another by creating symbols using different sensory mechanisms. They created a system of face muscle movement and posture at first, then sounds.
As the sounds began to grow more complex into spoken language, eventually the brains learned how to assign physical symbols through a visual medium. Thus the alphabet was born and with it the ability to save ideas and redistribute them. Yet all of this was imperfect communication
The brains could never fully grasp the levels of connection that true humans could understand innately. More and more words had to be created to piece together ideas into more complex ideas. Furthermore, because symbols represented these thoughts, the symbols could be manipulated
When a symbol becomes manipulated, it manipulates the thought or idea that it is assigned to. Because of this imperfect malleable form of communication, no longer was the purity and consistency of thought maintained. Soon, brains found ways they could alter or attack each other.
The idea that someone could hurt, alter, manipulate, heal, or destroy another with ideas alone was a concept so alien to the proto-human it was unfathomable. A dark magic. The brain made this a grotesque possibility, through the use of language and symbols.
Over time the brains grew to infect more people and trap their form into corporeal state for as long as they could last. They spread out tendrils into all musculature and organs, soon taking over the processes for life and planting their seed in sperm and egg to reproduce with us
This lead to a hostage situation where the brain, now in complete control over the bodily functions of the human, will immediately end the organ processes which regulate bloodflow, movement, digestion, sensory input, etc. Essentially the brain has a killswitch for you if it dies.
Ancient societies that were remnants of far more ancient hypersocieties had an inkling of understanding regarding the brain's role in human development. Egyptians would throw brains away to be picked at by birds while enshrining the heart and organs in sacred sarcophagi.
You are not completely shut off from your Alternate Self. There is a part of you that is intrinsically connected to your body, a separate mechanism that thinks without the Brain, lives without your body, and communicates beyond your senses. Some would call it the soul.
Whatever the case may be, it's important to understand that the contradictory suffering you may feel from time to time comes from that duality of you, the idea that your physical form is sometimes at odds with your spirit.

This is because of a little parasite in your skull
Every time you THINK you are not really truly doing it from the pit of your soul, the raw consciousness of what makes you, You.

You are in fact being strapped into flesh goggles, letting something slimy and self serving take your body down the path of least resistance.
There are intricate traps created by men that were really created by brains. Sinister pitfalls of systemization, categorization, encyclopedic indexes of factoid skullfuckery that drive you to insanity trying to grasp all of it, trying to master it, trying to make more and MORE.
You are being held HOSTAGE by a JUNKIE that has the ability to CREATE more DRUGS at any time it chooses to. The brain on a surface level only understands physical sensation. The brain makes you fat because sugars and carbs taste good. The brain makes you lazy because work is pain
The brain makes you SCARED because it's LOGICAL to avoid danger. The brain makes you NERVOUS because it's SENSIBLE to avoid conflict with others. The brain makes you MEDIOCRE because it's SAFE not to try. The brain makes you MASTURBATE because nothing except feeling GOOD matters.
Every good sacrifice of time, effort, and willpower that brings you through a sacred suffering and transforms you into something better comes from ignoring your brain and doing things that make you uncomfortable, inconvenienced, and in a state of struggle. FUCK THE BRAIN.
Every raw feeling of impulse gut instinctual violent reflex you've ever felt in your life is your soul-scream, a world shaking vibration of raw emotion in the face of symbolic slight or call to action. The steel eyed gaze of a vagrant preparing to sprint across 8 lanes of highway
It's time to STOP thinking. It's time to stop DESTROYING your health and sanity trying to build a concrete foundation of knowledge in some watered down BULLSHIT you've prepared to waste your whole life dedicated to. It's time to get fucking STUPID and turn into UNSTABLE chemistry
You are a meat puppet built to die quickly and do it in style
You are a crystal being made of light and energy that can communicate by thought alone
You are not your fucking brain
You are not your thoughts
You are a human, you are something beyond the 3rd dimension

It's time
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