in my opinion, white people have amassed more social capital than ever before. in a society that values reform, white “activists” are allowed more access to white AND BIPOC spaces for doing the bare minimum
when white people are “willing” to acknowledge their privilege, they are hailed and praised for what is merely the first step in a lifelong journey to understanding & leveraging privilege.
many of us are willing to accept that small progress is still progress, which feels like such a reformist idea. this allow several white “activists” (coughshaunkingcough) to occupy our spaces when they have done nothing except profit off of supposed solidarity.
there is a real danger in this; the power of social capital is not something to be dismissed. white people who are in proximity to BIPOC are the ones who end up receiving jobs, fellowships, interviews, support, notoriety, etc. just for being associated with us
social capital when wielded by white people quickly transforms into new manifestations of privilege & power dynamics. things are getting REALLY messy now. and people are afraid to draw the line and tell people that acknowledging privilege isn’t enough. all in the name of progress
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