The irony of all of these Dem politicians and media hypocrites getting busted going to dinners, sending their kids to school, not wearing masks, etc. while issuing orders and directives to the rest of us to toe the line is that we all know that they know that this is just a... we're all playing here. We don't give a shit that they're doing all of those things, because they, and we, should be. And they're doing all of those things because THEY know that they, and we, should be. The only difference between us is that we're honest about it.
Nobody knows any more about how we catch it, or how to prevent it, than we did in March. The CDC has twisted themselves into pretzels with their constantly changing "guidance" (don't wear masks, it's not airborne, it IS airborne, wear masks, can't catch it through touching...
...something, it can linger on surfaces for days, wear your mask to protect others, masks are better for you than a vaccine, kids don't get it, or are asymptomatic when they do, kids definitely can get it, but can't spread it, kids don't seem to be spreading it, but shut down...
...the schools, tests should be less than 40 cycles, everyone should be tested (most of the tests are 40 cycles or higher), do contact tracing and make everyone self-quarantine just in case, it spreads more rapidly indoors so avoid long periods sharing the same indoor space,...
...outdoor public gatherings like funerals and outdoor wedding parties are super-spreader events that should be banned and condemned, BLM and Antifa rallies and protests are natural and patriotic expressions of our God-given free will.)

Nobody knows what the fuck they're...
...talking about, and nobody cares if some governor or senator or cable news host walks around maskless, hits the buffet, or dances with their daughter at her wedding.

What we do care about is the cowardice in issuing directives and guidelines that directly conflict with..
...their own instincts for no other reason than to appease the party masters who have declared total obedience to the state as the only way out of this mess. It would be one thing if they issued their bullshit lockdown directives and had the decency to follow them themselves.
It is quite another thing to be of the same mind as their constituents and viewers - that there's not a fucking thing we can do about this virus until that vaccine gets distributed - but to cajole and compel the rest of us to bend the knee while their unmasked, salad-bar...
...eating, private-school-kid-sending, freshman-orientation-congressional-dinner-scheduling, Biden-rally-attending, sending-Covid-infected-patients-back-to-elderly-care-facility-directing, hypocritical selves go about their normal lives.

Trump took a pragmatic look at the...
...facts - the SCIENCE - he was being briefed and came to the conclusion that the only way out of this mess was to fast-track a vaccine. He was right, and he did. Everything else is fluff. Masks, social distancing, cancelling Thanksgiving - none of it matters, or changes...
...anything. It's always been about the vaccine, and every honest person who's been paying attention has known that for months.
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