(1/8) Just finished #TharnTypeSS2EP2 and even with the subs being very off, I enjoyed this episode so much. Type has shown so much character growth in 7 years. I love how he's learned to control himself, talk calmly even when he wants to scream and is more open with Tharn.
(2/8) It's so clear that he rotates around Tharn, and how Tharn is truly Type's safe place. Tharn is still steadfast in his love for Type, always trying to give him what he needs even when it hurts him. He's very loving and patient. The NC scenes are tasteful and emotional,
(3/8) I love how they almost rotate around each other, both shifting their movements so they fit continuously together. The anticipation in each of them is palpable and so is their chemistry. I don't think the NC scenes were random at all, but scenes showing two people
(4/8) so in love and comfortable with each other. There is obvious consent and desire between them and the fact they reach for each other constantly shows how they've grown as a couple. I LOVE the throwback to Tharn singing and Type staring. It shows no matter how much they've
(5/8) changed the love is still there. I love the throwback to the drunk Type scene too with Tharn cleaning him. I love the vulnerability in Type's "hold me". I thought the music was good. The editing was good and I had NO issues with sound. Not sure where that complaint comes
(7/8) from. I thought the transitions between scenes were easy to follow and I thought all of it made sense. I loved catching up with old characters - No is so funny. I am intrigued by the new characters and Klui.. I want him for a neighbor LOL. I'm very much enjoying this season
(8/8) so far and I'm really looking forward to next week. Su Su to the cast, crew and sponsors. I think you are being treated harshly and I hope you know that many of us are very grateful for your hard work. #TharnTypeSS2EP2
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