Unions negotiate nothing?

Oh boy.

It's time for a thread.

🧵 https://twitter.com/Pleonasm14/status/1327448765435944960
Just broadly speaking, union workers have:

✅ higher wages
✅ safer workplaces
✅ cheaper healthcare
✅ better healthcare
✅ shorter hours
✅ more job security

AND even NON-UNION workers benefit from living in an area with higher union density.
The @IWWFJU secured $150k in unpaid invoices for their members.
The @MachinistsUnion pulled off the largest public sector strike in 2020 and won

✅ higher wages
✅ seniority
✅ no increase in non-union subcontractors
Nursing homes where the workers had unions had a THIRTY PERCENT LOWER coronavirus fatality rate!!
The decimation of unions in Wisconsin has meant that median pay for teachers is DOWN $11k and now there exists a gender pay gap where none existed before.
Unions are necessary.
But tell me more about how unions don't negotiate anything 🥴
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