It was never about public health, Andy
Like nearly every other business in America

The good chef complied when told what to do

That was the collective mistake that has led to the bankruptcy and ruin of the middle class

We needed them to push back

Had they done so, this would have ended in April
They didn't

So the government kept pushing

Big corporations loved the lockdowns

So did big media

So your elected officials were all-in on the power grab

And businesses complied

When they should have fought back
I have no more empathy for the mom-and-pop businesses that go bankrupt

You let this happen

America was the land of opportunity

You took advantage of that once upon a time

And that comes with a responsibility to preserve it for future generations

You failed
There will be no more bailouts

No more tax breaks for small business

No more payroll relief

And no more forbearance for your lease

You will be ruined

And now it's too late for you to do anything about it

The chef realizes what they are all waking up to now
The government is not your friend

The government is friendly to super-wealthy lobbyists

So what if you pay your taxes

That buys you nothing

Our founding fathers knew this

They went to war over it

But you decided to just do what you were told
I've been telling them this

Not just on social media

But locally

I patronize businesses that don't give me shit about facemasks

If they do

My money walks

It's that simple

If you won't even acknowledge my liberty

You won't get a dime from me

Enjoy bankruptcy
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