Minimum Effective Dose vs. Maximum Tolerable Dose in LIFTING (THREAD)

Minimum effective dose is the minimum input necessary to attain a desired result.

Maximum tolerable dose is the maximum input a system can handle before negative consequences start to occur.
This distinction is what makes the difference between the hobbyist or the person that takes any progression seriously.

The minimum effective dose is for those that lift for general health, or just to blow off stress while maintaining balance in your life.
If you lift to get MAXIMUM YOLKED, to scare small children and leave a trail of destruction in your wake, the MAXIMAL tolerable dose is what you build your life on.
Minimum effective dose

With the MED, you ask yourself what direction you want to move in, find the least amount of work necessary to make progress toward that goal, and only increase it when necessary.
Maximal tolerable dose

With the MTD, everything matters. Your training should leave you teetering on the edge of overreaching without tipping over the edge toward overtraining and injury, you should focus on never having to wake up to an alarm.
Add on additional recovery practices like regular massages, hot/cold therapy, monitoring stress using something like Heart Rate Variability + dial in every piece of your diet as well as having a regimented supplement protocol.
This level of diligence and detail isn’t necessary for most of us, but if you want to reach your genetic limit or be the best in your sport, then NOTHING is unimportant and you should do everything in your power in order to maximise your recovery to support your Maximal dose.
Making progress is easy to a point – punch the clock, go through the motions and follow a basic routine, and reap the rewards: MED.

Reaching your full potential and destroying the competition is not – your life and soul are devoted to your goals: MAXIMAL TOLERABLE DOSE.
Where you fall along that continuum is entirely up to you and the effort you’re willing to put in.

Your progress and rate of improvement will likely follow along with the effort you put in.
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