I fear the death toll from the side effects of the world's reaction to COVID-19 may actually do more harm than the actual virus. https://twitter.com/aginnt/status/1327416457307824128
Taking precautions like masking and social distancing aren't the issue. Shutting down schools and putting kids behind in their education, overuse of hand sanitizer and the effect on good bacteria, the mental health issues being created and/or exacerbated are an issue.
We have not even begun to consider the really long-term effects of teaching our kids that what was once considered normal social interaction is dangerous and should be avoided.
Stay-at-home orders are basically teaching our kids that leaving the home and going outside to interact with the world is dangerous. That's not the best message to communicate to young minds.
The danger of COVID-19 will eventually pass, and for that we should all be thankful. The harm caused by the response to the virus by policymakers will linger, however, and will strain what is now a poorly-funded facet of health care - mental health services.
As COVID cases grow, the pressure will grow for a new round of lockdowns. Politicians should resist this pressure, and instead look for ways to protect those who are most vulnerable to the virus. They should also look to protect those who least vulnerable to the virus.
Those least vulnerable to the virus are the most vulnerable to the harmful effects of policies intended to 'protect' us from the virus. Maybe it's time to consider protecting them from our own fears.
Kids don't spread this virus, so let them be kids. Adults, wear masks and do what we can to avoid spreading this virus. That said, the virus is going to act like a virus, and no level of shutdowns is going to make it stop doing what viruses do.
Anyone who claims they are following 'THE SCIENCE' should be willing to admit this simple truth: There is no way government can shut down every aspect of human interaction, and human interaction is how viruses spread.
If you are really about "THE SCIENCE" then you should be willing to admit that shutdowns have, at best, a limited effectiveness in stopping the spread of virus. You should also be ready to accept the fact that shutdowns cause different forms of harm to the population.
There is no easy answer, but the pro-shutdown politicians and our increasingly pro-PANIC media have apparently successfully communicated that anything less than full isolation will lead to mass deaths. That is, and has been, a destructive message.
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