Ive really tried not to touch the SCYTL RAID posts over the past few days . I will only say he stated "I do not know the truth, I know there was a German tweet."

Physical access isnt required to establish what's on those servers. #DontSuicideMe #FAIRVIEW #BLARNEY https://twitter.com/orijonal/status/1327277595583414274
I dont know that I was clear. The election data that went into that SCYTL server in Germany is also on a 2nd server in Germany, which happens to also be in Frankfurt. SCYTL and/or Hammer-Scorecard operators may or may not know this. Let me explain:
FAIRVIEW is an NSA Operation that has succeeded in owning the internet. If it happens, FAIRVIEW captures it. Think of FAIRVIEW an an umbrella term with many programs within it.
It's plugged into the main Internet backbone links/junctions of the undersea trunk/cable fiber optic systems. Nothing can get past it. So what is BLARNEY?
BLARNEY is an international version of the PRISM program that is so well known. Being international BLARNEY happens to be much bigger.
The NSA partners with USA telecom through FAIRVIEW. They partner with foreign telecom through BLARNEY. Together these two programs capture all of the technical data -metadata. So what captures the content? STORMBREW & OAKSTAR
They capture the data at data centers. The collection of communications on fibre cables and infrastructure as data flows passed is how they do it.
This is what you would see in a NSA Black site room within an AT&T Data center. It's called a "Study Secure Room". It can also house the server I referenced earlier.
Frankfurt hosts one of AT&T’s 38 Internet Data Centers (IDCs). This is where that intercepted data went as it headed towards SCYTL's server. Now how long does the NSA server host this data? Who knows. But if it isnt secured quickly it may be lost forever.
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