NEW: On Friday, the remnants of Trump’s failed re-election campaign informed staff that they were putting an end to “voter fraud” hotline duty. It meant the death of a workspace that one senior campaign official described simply as “the room from hell.” 
According to three sources, the hotline was inundated by crank callers impersonating public figures, anti-Trump callers launching into vulgarity-laden tirades, pranksters making sounds of flatulence, and others issuing threats at Trump 2020 staffers 
For every three or four hours of threats and pranking endured, staff estimated that they’d get roughly one caller with an earnest, maybe-promising tip. Staff would often leave looking visibly upset, worn out, and feeling undervalued. 
One staffer said they had to go to the bathroom at least twice over the last few days just to cry because of the sheer volume of abusive phone calls.

“It’s misery. It’s one of the worst ways to end a campaign that you could think of,” this person said. 
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