i'm honored to have been an early reader. this book is AMAZING. i've been reading fatpol books for over 35 years and this is one of the ones you NEED on your shelf & in your hands.

it will be out next summer. you can order it right now or between now and then.
if you have read, studied, pondered fat politics but it has been white;

if you have read, studied, pondered Black politics but it hasn't included fatpol;

if you loved Sabrina Strings' book and want more combining fat studies and Black studies --
-- if you have noticed that a lot of Black people murdered by police have been fat and that this fact never gets coverage;

if you have questions/thoughts about how gender plays into Black fatpol --
-- if you have questions/thoughts about how being trans affects a fat politic inside a Black politic;

if you haven't considered these things but want to;

if you're Black, fat, trans, and/or nonbinary, or love anyone who is any or all of those, or if you love people & justice --
-- that's when you know that you're going to want this book. and you can pre-order it now. ☺️ https://twitter.com/DaShaunLH/status/1327412243605151744
it's also possible that so far you've been reading fatpol that is not white but also is not Black. if so, you definitely want this book! and also please tell me about fatpol you've found that is not white but also is not Black, i want to read it too. https://twitter.com/tommyinboots/status/1327425205048840193
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