My mental models on Technology and Progress.

A Quick Thread.

Technology is anything that helps us become more efficient.

Fire 🔥 is a piece of technology. By cooking raw meat, it allowed early Homo Sapiens to efficiently process nutrients, enabling a larger prefrontal-cortex.

Technology is the biggest driver of human progress. Other drivers include:


None of these come close to how profound the impact of Technology can be.

The printing press, vaccines, The Pill, nuclear energy, rockets that escape earth's gravity well, transistors, chips, cameras, smartphones, The Internet, cryptography – the list goes on.

Technological progress enables paradigm-shifts.

Without technological progress, we would just be monkeys sitting in a cave afraid of external predators.

With technology, we are still monkeys but now we look to the stars with the hope of reaching them someday.

Ignore the modern Luddites. They are simply those who love technology just from 10 years ago.

Hard technological challenges are worth solving not only because they are hard, but because they often produce spin-off tech that advances humanity.

@elonmusk "putting a Tesla in space" is remarkably admirable because it requires:

1) Inventing a Tesla
2) Inventing a SpaceX

If you think it's trivial, try putting a car in space for yourself.

If we waited to work on "flashy technology" like going to space until all "earthly" problems are solved, we'd never get to space.

Technological progress is extremely counter-intuitive and unpredictable.

What starts as a toy/experiment can end up changing the world. See: GPS and The Internet.

Despite the all-too-common criticisms against tech, I sincerely believe in technology and that it's really the only way to drive progress by unlocking zero-sum games.

Think of it this way: The Universe gives us near-infinite energy which we can transform into wealth/prosperity using the right knowledge. But it also binds us with the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Technology is how we get out of this bind.

There are over 7BN people on Earth, with about 10BN projected by 2050. Most of them want to attain first-world living standards.

Without technology, we'd just destroy the planet in trying to keep up.

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