[THREAD 1/13] Long late night thread incoming. It's hobby related but do feel free to skip if you're not into long threads with only a few pictures.

Kraeth's Shadowpact for Broken Realms has triggered a nostalgia of late & I must admit, I really miss the Old World.
[2/13] I got into the hobby with Warhammer Fantasy when I was a kid. I had an Orcs & Goblins army. My brother had an Empire army.

My Orcs & Goblins were a riot to play. As likely to fight each other as they were to get stuck into the enemy.

Wow this cover brings back memories.
[3/13] We had a little group going in my school. My friends had a Dwarf army and a High Elf army. While my brother's friend had an Undead army.

The five of us played many a game round each others houses, playing in hobby spaces, on kitchen tables and bedroom floors.
[4/13] I grew to love the grim setting, the lore, and the books. A little bit envious of my friends highly skilled & disciplined High Elves (they had the initiative to always strike first), I swore that I'd build a Dark Elf army as soon as I got the chance (& the cash).
[5/13] But I walked away from the hobby in my later teenage years. Some considerable time later, I walked passed a GW shop near my workplace. I couldn't help but pop in. I ended up walking out with a copy of the Battle for Skull Pass box set & a Dark Elves army book.
[6/13] I painted half the box set but abandoned the project soon after. Reason was I had no one to hobby with or play with. I'd been used to playing in a small group. The shop was where we bought stuff, not where we played. I didn't know how to re-engage with the hobby.
[7/13] Even more time later, I got a Kindle for some reading on my commute to the office. I chanced on the Malus Darkblade series & read the lot.

It rekindled the hobby flame in a major way. I had a lot more disposable income, so I thought why not start that Dark Elf army.
[8/13] Many old GW stores had shut but I found one reasonably close & paid it a visit. To my horror, Warhammer Fantasy had been replaced by Age of Sigmar. The lore was completely different. The armies had changed. There was no Dark Elf faction! I couldn't wrap my head around it.
[9/13] I walked out without buying a thing. That might've been it had I not bought a copy of White Dwarf on a whim a few months later. I found I still recognised WH40K. It had Space Marines, Orks, Eldar & Chaos Marines. Though I'd never played before I thought I'd give it a try.
[10/13] I went back & got the Dark Imperium box set. Now things may have gone the same as when I bought the Skull Pass box set had the store manager not asked me (after I kept coming back for more paint) who I played with. When I said no-one, he offered to set me up with a game.
[11/13] And just like that, I connected with a very welcoming local community of gamers. I've really got stuck into WH40K & the hobby. But until very recently, I just couldn't engage with AOS. I couldn't shake the disappointment of losing the Old World I'd grown up to love.
[12/13] I've since dipped my toe with a Hedonites of Slaanesh army & a Stormcast Eternals army, but I've still only played a handful of AOS games. Yes, the lore is robust enough in its own right. But I'm still incredibly nostalgic for the Old World & it's deliciously grim lore.
[13/13] If you got this far, wow! Thanks for sticking with me. I was tempted to get Kraeth's Shadowpact, but I know it can't scratch that itch. I won't be able to build a true Naggaroth Dark Elf army of old. So, I'll keep playing my AOS armies. It's a fun game. And maybe soon ...
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