A verrry long thread about Harry Styles v. Harry Styles™️ and about H “queerbaiting” (this thread is about Harry and his team, not larry but it will mention larry)
Now I recently joined stan twitter and have only been a harrie since 2018, so you can take this thread as a grain of salt.
Let’s talk about the general public; as someone who doesn’t know a lot about Harry Styles all you know is that he was once in the biggest boybands in the world and know he has a successful solo career, but what you mainly now is about the numerous women he’s +
been tied to. If I were to ask my friends who Harry Styles were, some of them would say ‘The one that dated Taylor Swift right?’ or ‘The one that dated Kendall Jenner’ ; the main problem is that the gp still sees Harry Styles as that womanizer
which was pushed on him from day 1 on XFactor. Now onto solo Harries especially recent ones; With Harry’s resurgence of popularity with Fine Line and its era h’s songs come with a story; his “relationship with Camille”. I saw this thread a little bit ago and it +
was talking about how songs and albums don’t sell without a story and I think that’s a perfect way to summarize Harry Styles™️. In the past Harry has not done as well as he has done now. I was just talking with my classmates about h and the only song he could
name outside of wms and adore you was softt. That really shows a lot. Fine Line did so well because the whole album came with a story and the sexualzation of H. Songs on HS1 came with a story but they weren’t singles and they were too wholesome. For example
Two Ghost vs. WMS, two ghosts is a sweet acoustic song perceived to be about Taylor while wms is a song perceived to be about oral sex with a woman. The public loves sex, especially when it comes to their fav sex symbol, Harry Styles™️;
why do you think wms did better than adore you? Now onto the “queerbaiting”; I just saw this tiktok and it had very good points. A lot of women and most importantly teenage girls are loving the ‘white men who say fuck toxic masculinity’, who are wearing
nail polish and skirts. This is mainly due to the likes or people like Timothée Chalamet, Harry Styles, and more. Girls have loved H since 1d so when they see him going out with nail polish and purses that now becomes the blue print for who they like. This can also relate to the
whole gay bestfriend trope but that is another topic. So this
tiktok was talking about how men now are following this trend and how they are using it as another way to gain female attention instead of actually expressing themselves. Now I bring up this point because
the creator specified that their point wasn’t about H and how he’s actually expressing himself, which I agree with. So that we’re on the same page H is not wearing the stuff he wears for female attention. Now here another point, whether you want to believe it or not H is a part
of the LGBTQ+ community, he said that he does not want to label his sexuality, now whether you want to say that was his way of pivoting out of that topic or whether H is unlabeled you have to admit that he is not straight. But here’s the thing queer men, queer women,
or anyone else who is not straight, gay, or lesbian do not have to date/have a relationship with someone of the same gender or opposite gender to prove their sexuality to you. It’s none of your business, but when Harry Styles, the man who seems to be
having sex with every woman in Hollywood has not have the same type of interaction with a man, it starts to ring alarm bells to the gp. For example why is the only man H has been romantically connected to Louis, his former BANDMATE; I emphasize bandmate because from the outside
looking in the theory that H could’ve been in a same-sex relationship with his former bandmate seems ridiculous. Since the topic of Larry and larries are so controversial the gp seems to just ignore that and blame it on crazy fan-girls, so the queerbaiting is pushed even further.
Now one more point before this long ass thread is over. Harry is a business man. I’m not saying he has full control over his image but to an extent he has a say. If he wasn’t at least somewhat happy with his image that would show through body language and music. And of course H
would be happy to be out and being with whoever he wants whether that a man or a woman or anyone, but it’s not, this is about making money and how do they make money? Through his availability. Fine Line was perfect for that. It showed what a great boyfriend he can be but it also
pushed him as a cheater. Straight teenage girls love toxic men. There’s your millions of dollars.
Ok, I think I’m done now. In conclusion Harry is a 26 businessman, he’s not that sweet, naive 16 year old anymore. Also sex sells except if it’s gay.
Time to watch this get ignored 😬
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