Bruh I will never get over how misconstrued ppl's views on fat loss is. It's honestly really fucking simple and it comes down to metabolism. You don't need to cut a shitload of calories. You don't need to starve yourself. That's just the most unhealthy way of going about it
You don't need to run fucking miles. Cardio shouldn't even be an aspect until later. You don't necessarily even need to cut out every bit of junk food (even tho you probably should). Aim for .5-2 lbs of weight loss a week. That's the healthiest way to go about it
The less you eat, the slower your metabolism gets. The less you eat throughout the day, the slower your metabolism gets. You starve yourself and your body is gonna start conserving food as fat cuz it's not sure when you're gonna actually give yourself enough food
Buying fat burners won't do shit for you too. That's for an extra 1-2% if anything. If your nutrition and exercise isn't on point, then the fat burner is just you wasting money. And also, if you ain't hungry, you ain't losing weight
It's literally almost every day someone asks me questions about fat loss and when I ask them how many times a day they eat, it's almost always 2 or 3 with leaning more towards 2. That's honestly not enough. And they certainly almost never drink enough water either
Then you take into account the ratios ppl tend to eat in terms of macros. Protein tends to stay lower than it should be while high amounts of carbs & fat dominated their diet. The ratio of protein to carbs to fats is what matters
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