Yesterday, TxDOT began the public scoping process for the I-35 Capital Express Central Project. Here’s what you need to know:
TxDOT is planning to depress the main lanes of I-35 through downtown Austin, and add 2 “non-tolled managed” HOV lanes in each direction. Each project alternative shows a total of TWENTY lanes through central Austin.
The stated project purpose is to “improve this critical regional, national and international thoroughfare by:
• Enhancing safety.
• Managing congestion.
• Improving operational efficiency, and ...
• Creating a more dependable and consistent route for the traveling public, including bicyclists and pedestrians, emergency responders and transit.”

What exactly does “enhance safety” mean? Traditionally, when TxDOT lists “safety” as a project priority, ...
... what they implement are typical design standards. “Safety” should be consistent with the #1 policy of the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan: “Prioritize the protection of human life over all else in the planning, design, and operation of Austin’s transportation network.”
For reference, one fourth of Austin’s over 70 annual traffic deaths occur on the I-35 corridor, making it by far the most dangerous place to drive, bicycle, or walk in Austin. In any given year, 40 to 60 percent of these deaths are pedestrians…
... who are often killed attempting to cross the sea of lanes make up I-35. I-35 is congested, dangerous, it divides the city, and it causes noise and air pollution that hurts the people who live and work near it. And TxDOT is trying to widen it even more.
We need an I-35 that serves the people of Austin. To do that, we need the project’s stated purpose to include what we want to see: a clear and detailed statement on how the new project will enhance safety; a commitment to mitigate pollution with the new project; ...
… a partnership with the City of Austin and Cap Metro to provide for transit in the new corridor; increased green space and fewer vehicle traffic lanes; and dedicated space for pedestrians, bicycles, and other forms of micromobility.
Austin has before us a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a paradigm shift for humanizing freeways which cut through cities. Join us in helping TxDOT get this multi-year, multi-billion-dollar investment right.
Tell TxDOT what you want to see in the project here
Next week, Reconnect Austin will publish a comment form that will allow you to send already written feedback to TxDOT on this project. In the meantime, you can find recommendations for what to include in feedback here 
Stay tuned for more information from us next week. Let's reconnect Austin and build a better I-35!
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