
One of the things that convinced me to transition was researching and finding that transitioning was COMPLETELY different to what the cis media had told me. So for the eggs out there, here's things I've learned about transitioning over the past year

Disclosure first, I can only speak to my experience as a 1 year transitioner, and an able-bodied, middle-class, 26 year old Chinese Australian trans woman. Mileage may vary. However, several things I mention have been said by other trans women.

(Also Eleanor gifs incoming)
CW: Surgery

Surgeries have come a long way and are a lot more effective than cis media may imply. Vaginas are capable of self lubricating and look almost identical to cis ones. They are very functional and sex can still be fun. It may take a while for feeling to come back though
CW: Surgery

Other surgeries are pretty good too. Facial Feminisation Surgery (FFS) can be very effective. Vocal cord surgery is still a little shaky though and can vary a lot apparently.

There's also no problem with getting Breast Augmentation or other cosmetic procedures.

That said, surgery isn't the only way to transition, nor does it need to be exclusive. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is very effective REGARDLESS OF AGE. I'm only on HRT (7.5 months now!) and I've had great results!
HRT for trans women usually involves an estrogen and a T-blocker. Eventually, you may be able to drop the T-blocker and just smother your testosterone with all the estrogen you're taking, but I'm not a doctor and can't give the details. Progesterone is another one you can take.
HRT changes can include (but not limited to):
-Breast growth
-Smoother/softer skin
-Fat redistribution. Everything from a more femme face to hips and butt growth.
-Genital shrinkage including infertility. Shrinkage can be averted with erections though (read: daily masturbation)
HOWEVER, there are lots of things cis research usually ignores:

-Size changes. Ligaments shifting can make you shorter (I've lost 2 cm) and change the size of your hands and feet
-Period cycles. Many trans women experience period symptoms (minus bleeding ofc)
-Orgasm change. Sex feels different on HRT and female orgasms are possible
-Senses change. Women have a better sense of smell and colour differentiation. HRT adjusts these for you (men smell TERRIBLE)
-Tastes and emotions change. Varies wildly.
Also, despite the common warning, you don't need to be young to start HRT. Most things will occur regardless of age, and even some things associated with pubescent HRT (wider hips) can still happen in some cases.

You're never too old to transition!
Also, a lot of HRT effects are reversible in the first 6 months and even beyond. There is no harm in just trying it and seeing if it makes you feel better.
A few things HRT will NOT do:
-Change your voice. After puberty it's pretty much locked. You may have some slight changes due to jaw shift, but you'll need voice training to get where you want. That said, voice training can be VERY effective.
-Facial hair removal. While it may thin or slow your hairs, it won't remove it completely. You'll need electrolysis or laser removal to handle that.
-Reproductive organ growth. This is pretty obvious, hopefully. HRT is magic, but not literally -_-
All that said, you don't need either HRT or surgery to transition. I know a lot of people who have done neither and have no desire to. They are still gorgeous and wonderful and I love them.
Now onto social stuff! Hard for me to talk about since I'm still mostly closeted, but I can speak to my experiences and common anecdotal evidence.
First off: transitioning won't fix all your problems. It can only alleviate gender dysphoria. That said, you'd be amazed at how pervasive in your life gender dysphoria can be. Once that's gone, it's like lifting a filter that lets you view things more clearly.
Unfortunately, a lot of relationships won't last through transitioning. However, there are many that do, even if their partner has a sexual orientation that doesn't align with your transitioning gender. Love is love.
Feel free to shop for girls' clothes even while "boymoding." As someone who's done it, and an ex-retail employee, (virtually) no one cares. Most will assume you're buying it as a gift or they'll ignore it and just be grateful you're helping them hit sales numbers.
Also, passing in general is a nebulous thing. Most trans women will not pass 100% of the time...but also most cis women will not pass 100% of the time either. Gender asthetics is a bell curve, not a binary. Passing is not the metric of being a "real woman."
It's also totally fine to play with your own gender presentation. You already changed once, nothing stopping you from doing it again. Plenty of trans women start off high-femme then go more butch. Or they even change to non-binary. Nothing wrong with that! No lock-ins!
CW: Transphobia

Now you may experience transphobia once you come out/start presenting your true gender. Discrimination may come as a huge shock to those that presented as cishet white men before transitioning.
But do understand that most people (especially online) are ambivalent at worst, supportive at best of trans people. Most people are content to leave us alone! Transphobes are just a very loud minority and sometimes they get very destructive, but they don't represent the majority.
Obviously it changes a lot depending on where you live. On the other hand, online trans spaces can be WONDERFUL. Trans twitter can be a great source of finding friends with similar lived experiences. I've made so many friends and relationships here and I'm so grateful.
Anyway I'm done for now. I hope any egg reading this gets a better idea of how great transitioning can be. Maybe I'll add to this list in the future, who knows.

Now Eleanor, sign off for me-
Oh one more thing I forgot HRT can do: hair regrowth! If you unfortunately suffer from balding (like I was) you have a chance of either stalling or even reversing that process (like I have!)

Balding is heavily linked to testosterone (sorry trans men 😓)
Fuck it, I'm just gonna list some of the more specific HRT changes I've had:
-Eye shape changed. They're larger and clearer now.
-Cheek bones are more prominent and jaw has thinned.
-Muscle mass MASSIVELY reduced (rip my years of exercising)
-My body odor changed
-My body hair has slowed, while my head hair has become thicker and glossier
-Things feel different now due to thinner skin
-Crying is easier now, Jesus Christ
-Shoulders shrunk (I can fit dresses now that I had to squeeze into at the start of transitioning).
Socially, my relationship with my female friends are amazingly strong now. Even though we may break up in the future, I feel closer and more open to my girlfriend than I ever have before. I'm willing to try things I was too proud of previously.
CW: Sex

My sexuality feels different. I don't know if this is hormonal or emotional, but men are more attractive now (I was always bi though). Even the way I get horny is different, more emotional and context based rather than just someone touching my junk 😅
Regarding HRT and rates of change: for better or worse, HRT takes years for its full effects to manifest. Imagine how long cis puberty takes, then imagine that your body has to first UNDO that puberty before it can properly get to the new one. You will keep changing 💕
Also, don't compare your timeline with anyone else's. A million and one factors can change how fast you get physical effects. Age, weight, ethnicity, genetics, med dosage, etc.

I know SEA trans men have a tendency to develop body hair very fast on T.
For example, I'm Asian. Some would say I have a natural advantage in transitioning (that's a garbage fire that I won't even start to get into here though). I'm relatively short for a guy, and have always had slight features and physique.
But I have disadvantages in other ways. My hips are probably always going to be small and my boobs aren't ever going to be large. These are cultural distinctions and are not fair comparisons.

By the way, my DMs are open for anyone that wants to ask me a question or get advice, or just vent! https://twitter.com/Ranting_Trans/status/1252471996882927616
Been brought to my attention that I didn't make it super clear that not everything I listed in the HRT changes happens to everyone. It doesn't change anything about who you are or make you lesser if something doesn't happen for you. All bodies are different. Sorry about that.
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