Having been a poll observer for the past 3 elections, here's what I see as one of @RecorderFontes @Adrian_Fontes biggest achievements. One of the biggest frustrations I saw for voters was being at the correct polling place in the correct precinct. Voters would show up at...
...a polling place, often one they've voted at before, only to be told that they were in the wrong place and had to go to a different precinct or they could cast a provisional ballot but it wouldn't count. And if it were late in the day, often times they couldn't get to the...
... correct polling place in time and therefore couldn't vote.

In 2016 there were paper precinct books listing every voter eligible to vote in the precinct. Either you were in the book or not. In 2018 there were digital poll books that showed the names of all voters but...
... you could still only vote in your assigned single precinct. So even though the precinct book had gone digital you were still limited in where you could vote. There were now 40 voter centers that could accommodate voters from any precinct, but the precinct polls could...
...still only accommodate voters from that precinct and if that's not where you were supposed to vote they sent you somewhere else. I remember some voters showing up and saying that the precinct they were now at was the 3rd one they'd been sent to.

In 2020 all polling places...
...were voting centers and voters could vote anywhere in the county. This one change probably resolved more voter issues than any other change I saw over the last 3 cycles.

It's clear that Recorder Fontes & his team had a plan for how to get from the old precinct based...
...voting to county wide voting. Tho most voters won't recognize it, this one change solved a huge number of problems at the polls that either prevented people from voting or made it more difficult to vote. For that I think @Adrian_Fontes deserves a ton of credit & many accolades
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