Like. Okay. Let’s take a step back and look at the data. The majority of cases come from household or unknown contact scenarios. So that says businesses are, by and large, relatively safe but people could be doing more. Like constantly wearing masks.
If you really cared about businesses, you’d be doing everything in your power to make sure that curve flattens out. But...but you didn’t. So do you actually give a hoot about SK businesses?

Actions speak louder than words.
“We’re instituting mandatory mask use province wide. Please restrict all interprovincial and interprovincial travel to essential services, and gatherings of more than 5 are prohibited.” Would have gone a long way to addressing the actual problem areas.
Shutting down hookah lounges? I mean, okay...having them open in a pandemic is weird anyway but are they really a problem? Weird rules for some schools and some communities?
Like others have said, my expectations were pretty low and I’m still let down. That’s an achievement, I guess.
Leaving it up to people who on one hand say “my body my choice” and then who likely also say “make abortions illegal” (that’s a huge assumption on my part; I equate antimaskers with antivaxxers and anti choice people along with other kinds of science deniers) is short sighted.
Actually I’d say it’s a display of a cavalier attitude toward pubic health.

I mean public.
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