Doing some reading of scientific papers on the buprenorphine patch for pain and found out it's recommended as a third or fourth line treatment if other, better opioids aren't suitable because *at best* it was found to be 'non inferior' to morphine, oxycodone etc
Oxycontin worked for me. I had no issues, tolerance creep was slow and solved by the regular ket infusions, and I was not physically dependent (I had no withdrawals even if I went 20 hours between doses)
So now I'm stuck on a treatment that doesn't treat my pain effectively and throws me into withdrawal on a weekly basis as it doesn't last the 7 days, because my pain doctor has an ideological opposition to Oxycontin
I'm losing my mind, it's destroying my mental health, I am SUFFERING and all they do is gaslight me by saying 'well that's very unusual, it lasts a week and gives good pain coverage'. Does this look like someone whose treatment is working to you
I've lost ~3kg since being started on it. Unsurprisingly it's difficult to maintain an appetite when going through this bullshit
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