This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: PROVIDING A WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION IN EVERY ZIP CODE/Only one party understands that a quality education is a critical public good-NOT a commodity.A quality education is the right of every child,no matter where they live
The emergency conditions created by the #COVID19 pandemic have vividly demonstrated to parents, students, and educators across the country that there is no sustainable, long-term substitute for high-quality, in-classroom learning. 2/10 #DemPartyPlatform #educationmatters
Significant gaps in access to technology, including lack of access to high-speed broadband & connected devices, have deepened inequities in our educational system for students of color,with disabilities, ESL learners,rural students &under-resourced neighborhoods. 3/10
#Democrats will significantly increase federal investments in rural, urban, and Tribal broadband infrastructure to close the digital divide and ensure students can access educational resources from their homes and schools now and in the future. 4/10 #DemPartyPlatform #edupolicy
#Democrats will need increased investments in public education to help students get back on track when public health experts determine it is safe to return to schools.5/10
#DemPartyPlatform #educationmatters #EducationUSA
#Democrats believe we can and must do better for our children, our educators, and our country. 6/10 #DemPartyPlatform #educationmatters #EDUcators #TEACHers
#Democrats are committed to making the investments our students and teachers need to build equity and safeguard humanity in our educational system and guarantee every child can receive a great education. 7/10 #DemPartyPlatform #educationmatters #EduPolicy
#Democrats support K-12 instruction in civics and climate literacy. We will support evidence-based programs and pedagogical approaches, including assessments that consider the well-being of the whole student and recognize the range of ways students can demonstrate learning. 8/10
#Democrats will reimagine our education system guided by the stakeholders and qualified, first-class, well-trained, passionate educators who know these issues best: young people, educators, parents, and community leaders. 9/10 #DemPartyPlatform #TEACHers #EDUcators
#Democrats fundamentally believe our education system should prepare all our students—indeed, all of us—for college, careers, lifelong learning, and to be informed, engaged citizens of our communities, our country, and our planet.
10/10 #DemPartyPlatform #educationmatters
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