I agree that I wish out trans people would get more positive exposure in media but when a public figure is CONSISTENTLY gender non-conforming — not just in one photoshoot, but on/off camera for years — is that not something to appreciate and respect?
You don’t have to declare them the saviour of trans rights or whatever, but I’m suspicious of people saying that a public figure simply wearing the clothes they want to wear without regard for gender norms is Bad, Actually — is this not what we want?
And if the argument is ‘they should be more vocal about supporting ordinary trans & gnc people’ well... why not start putting that pressure on all of your cis, straight, gender-conforming faves who haven’t so much as made a peep on the topic
I also just am not and will never be here for people accusing public figures who don’t choose to explicitly id themselves as gay or trans of being evasive, cowardly, exploitative, etc.
This is one of those situations where the things people say about celebrities are going to have much less impact on the celebrities themselves than the people they know who themselves don’t want to or aren’t ready to be Out And Proud Everywhere 24/7.
I’m sick of capitalism, celebrity culture & the fashion industry as much as anybody, but it’s like, cis/het gender-conforming celebrities continue to abide by & reinforce gender norms? Fine & good. Someone steps outside of those norms? ‘This is the worst, go back to being normal’
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