APC is actually Left leaning. I have bn saying this thing for long and tired of the ‘Nigerian Parties have no ideology’ stuff i keep seeing on the TL
Wonder how you are Pro Dems/Labour in the ‘abroad’ and then anti-APC back at home. How does it work?
You want Nigeria to have tighter borders to stop the influx of Herdsmen from Niger and the likes why you support parties that advocate for loose borders in the abroad. How does that work?
You are happy with parties that advocate for Socialism and Government control of the Economy in the abroad while at home, you rant daily on Twitter about APC’s Socialist Economic policies that hinges on Govt patronage and control. How does that work?
There is a reason why parties I support across board are basically right leaning with the same Economic ideologies
Leftists raise taxes and believe in giving out handouts to the citizens. I mean, look at the USA nau... Trump cut taxes, cut thousands of regulations and what’s the result? Meanwhile, Biden/Harris are already promising to raise taxes while enforcing much more regulations
Compare how Trump approached Black unemployment to that of the Leftists... the latter put Blacks on food stamps. Trump won and said ‘Why should I put them on food stamps when I can get them to work?’. The result? Record Black unemployment
Now, look at the above and then examine the APC Economic policies. They are already raises taxes like mad, impoverishing people while giving out token (like that accursed 15,000 they share at the markets)
Raise their taxes, control the means of production, make them poorer while giving them token barely enough for them to feed.
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