I ❤️ neuroscience. Some aspects are basic. Old brain, basic animal responses are fight flight freeze. New brain, frontal lobe gives us evolved folks a chance to process. Pause. Get creative ans come up with peaceful and productive solutions. That's why education is so important.
How awful it is that America has had a pretty much Neanderthal in the White House for four years, with his utter lack of emotional intelligence, using his most basic/animal level tools to lead... enrolling others without the evolved tools and skills into his child hood trauma
triggered style of being, stoked by the worst forms of fuel... money/power. Trump is a drama addict, power addict, money addict and is a slave to the narrative he hasn't even been intro'd to in his own mind because he has lived in fear of pulling out the rug to see what lurks.
We must realize that the mental health.... the conscious effort to be healed from traumas from childhood... of a potential leader in our world is beyond paramount to the peace in our collective. I hope that @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris can introduce law that supports protection
for the rest of the world from such madmen having access to the peace of the masses. This has been ridiculous & dark... for me an obvious experiment in what happens if a junky gets the key to the whitehouse. Disruption/unrest/confusion/wheel spinning-just like living w/an addict.
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