The Governor is expected to give a COVID-19 update shortly. I'll be live tweeting and on @KOB4 at 5, 6, 6:30 and 10.
YESTERDAY'S case update
Positives: 1,753 (another record high)
60,776 cases as of Thursday

18 deaths reported
1,176 total deaths as of Thursday

471 as of Thursday, 67 on ventilators
"We are at the breaking point... this last week have been managing through breaking points and we cannot continue to do that." -MLG
MLG says NM has recorded 182-19 deaths over the last two weeks. The two weeks prior, the state recorded 75. That's an increase of 143%
"We are in a life or death situation and if we don't act right now we cannot preserve the lives. Can't keep saving lives. And we will absolutely crush our current healthcare system and infrastructure." -MLG
MLG says beginning Monday NM will re-enact the most heightened level of statewide public health restrictions.
"All New Mexicans are instructed to shelter in place."
All non-essential businesses and nonprofits must starting Monday cease in-person activities. Essential businesses may operate if they reduce their operations and in-person workforce to the greatest extent possible. (Mon the 16th-30th)
Starting Monday, Nov 16 through Monday, Nov. 30
Essential businesses including grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, shelters, child care facilities and some essential retail... may operate in a limited fashion- reduced operations and reduced in-person workforce.
Non-essential entities include close-contact businesses (like barbershops, salons, gyms), close-contact recreational facilities (movie theaters, casinos, bars) and outdoor recreational facilities (golf courses, tennis courts, state parks). (1/2)
... these must reduce in-person workforce and activities by 100 percent. (2/2) (non-essential entities)
Mon. Nov. 16 - Mon. Nov. 30
-houses of worship may operate at either 25% of maximum occupancy or 75 persons at any one time, whichever is smaller (1/3)
-essential retail spaces (like hardware stores, automobile and bike repair facilities, laundromats, grocery stores, convenience stores, food banks and "big-box" retail spaces) may operate with either 25% of maximum occupancy or no more than 75 customers in the store) (2/3)
-Food and drink establishments may provide curbside pickup and delivery; on-site dining is prohibited (3/3)
After the 30th, after Mon. Nov. 30th, the state will implement a 3 tier county by county system using county level public health data to establish "re-opening" benchmarks for each county.
Sample Level 1 (Green): Low positivity rates and average daily case count allow for expanded economic foot print, in-person activities.
Sample Level 2 (Yellow): Borderline positivity rate and average daily case count require some public health restrictions.
Sample Level 3 (Red): Widespread infection and illness requires onerous public health restrictions on in-person activity.
"That means that county isn't ready to go back to any of the non shelter in place efforts."
"This strategy we believe will be, can be successful. But our future in this state and until we get widespread availability of a vaccine is the only vehicle by which we can do all of the things that we need- (1/2)..." -MLG
"...address the economic challenges and realities of living in a pandemic, saving lives which is the most important thing we must do, and making sure that we don't collapse our healthcare system... it's going to take every single New Mexican to make it work." (2/2)- MLG
"We have to work harder than everybody else and we're a state that has far more limitations on healthcare resources... so we have to do more as individuals. Stay at home. If you don't have to go out, please don't. If you are sick, you must stay at home." -MLG
"If you are sick, you need to get tested. And if you need medical attention, please dial 911 and seek medical attention. That is critical." -MLG urging everyone to get medical care if they need it.
"Do not, I repeat, go to work if you are sick." -MLG
-must wear a mask
-must be 6 feet apart, socially distanced
-wash your hands (at least 20 seconds)
-include hand sanitizer in your routine
MLG saying vast majority of spread is people gathering in groups. "These are a catastrophe, and we cannot keep doing that. It is crushing the worldwide economy. It is crushing NM's economy. It is causing families to lose their loved ones..."
MLG now going over key state resources
State health information hotline: 1-855-600-3453
"We will do everything in our power to mitigate any of the consequences..." -MLG
COVID-19 testing info:  or 

Mental health assistance: 1-855-662-7474 or 
Health insurance assistance:

Unemployment assistance: 

"We want to help you and we know this is going to be hard."
Dr. Scrase now speaking about COVID-19 antibody treatment Bamlanivimab
-intended for outpatient treatment of recently diagnosed mild to moderate COVID-19 in patients 12+ years old who have risk factors for progressing to severe COVID-19 and/or hospitalization
Scrase talking about how COVID-19 safe practices are to avoid the "Three Cs"
-close spaces
-close contact
-crowded places
"We all need to be in this together to stop the spread of the virus and I'm confident the 2 week pause we're taking here gives us the opportunity to drive those case counts downward." -Dr. Scrase
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