I side-eye atheists who talk about religion being the root of all oppressive systems, because a large chunk of the (white) atheist movement is literally a carbon copy of the same racist, misogynistic, queerphobic, ableist, proselytizing bullshit they criticise religion for.
Also, wanting to get rid of all religion is literally you advocating for cultural genocide, so maybe step back and cease with that nonsense.
Religion isn't a CAUSE for oppressive system, it's a machination of oppressive systems. It's a really fundamental cultural, human experience that has been fashioned into a tool of oppression. These systems would exist without religion, religion is just the smokescreen.
Look, I get it. When you first find atheism, particularly if you're an 'edgy' white teenager like I was, it's super tempting to denounce all religion as the cause of all ills. But a) oppressive systems aren't that simple and b) see previous tweet re literal cultural genocide.
The fact is that a huge chunk of anti-theistic takes are just an excuse to be racist, antisemitic, and ableist.
A good thread for all people. https://twitter.com/jewish_activist/status/1265076657691508737?s=19
And another. https://twitter.com/chaoticgaythey/status/1265100888663887873?s=19
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