Can't say I was surprised by Paul Hornung's death today but it still took my breath away. I've known Paul since his days at Notre Dame when his coach at Louisville's Flaget High Paulie Miller introduced us. Great leader, wonderful man.
He and Muhammad Ali were the favorite sons of Louisville. I once asked Paul for his address and he said "Just put my name on the package and 'Louisville' and it will get to me"
He loved football and he loved the ponies. He could usually be found on the backstretch of Churchill Downs. He was known to put down a bet or two. He once put me on hold because he had thrown away a winning ticket and was digging through his garbage to find it.
When he wasn't at the track you could always find him at the Holiday Inn, across from the front desk in the corner. There was always a table and a chair waiting for him. They should dedicate a plaque there now with his name on it.
I was honored when he asked me to be on the selection committee for the Hornung Award. I was honored to be his friend. I'll miss you, Paul. Rest easy.
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