Ok so we're having this discussion in the Discord but I thought I'd bring it here as well:

Have you ever thought about what real obstacles are keeping you from completing a task instead of just assuming that you're avoiding the task because you hate it? Ibrought an example.
So dishes. I have no dishwasher. Assumed I hate dishes. BUT here's the real shit I hate

- Clothes getting wet (no I CAN'T wash them without getting wet)
- Gross stuff stuck to food/soggy old food is a sensory NIGHTMARE for me.
- Pain of standing in one spot that long.
These can be accomodated by:

- Getting an apron to cover the clothes so I can take that off without being soggy
- Rinse plates VERY well so no gross food is there
- Anti fatigue mat to help with the amount of time I can stand there.

Do I love dishes? Nah. Is it easier? Yeah.
Thinking our way through these types of things is a step in the journey towards accommodating ourselves so we can still get things done.
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