These measures mean nothing @SaskParty. Let me get into this, a thread if you will:

First, the amazing amount of loopholes is a failure. By allowing exceptions you create a lack of transparency. By creating a lack of transparency you are asking for 1/10
people to make mistakes. And right now, we need no more mistakes. Think back to when you were a kid; your curfew was 7 PM. Just that, a simple rule. Not 7 PM this week, 7:30 next week, and every Friday a new curfew. And add 15 minutes when it is warmer than 21C. 2/10
No, we had hard but simple rules. And there was a repercussion f you broke the rule.

Right now, masking in indoor public places of communities larger than 5000 people is mandatory. There are again a few things fucked up about this:

What is a community of 3000 to do when 3/10
COVID runs rampant through that community? Because you, the @SaskParty, have also taken away their transportation options to larger communities. No local hospital they can go to, the local doctor is overwhelmed after 10 cases, and they cannot leave their community for help. 4/10
In outdoor spaces, it is "strongly recommended" to wear a mask. How about you step up to the plate @PremierScottMoe and make masking mandatory? Not in certain spaces, not under certain circumstances, but just mandatory. 5/10
And an alcohol service curfew? You're not allowed to serve alcohol after 10 PM, with the latest by 11 PM. Because why? COVID predominantly affects drinking past midnight? This is not a Gremlin we're talking about, its a f'ing disease! 6/10
Gyms are still allowed to be open. Because a place where people are overly exerted and sweating and panting and heavy breathing probably doesn't lead to excess aerolization and increased risks of transmission. That's why we have seen no cases in gyms. Oh wait... 7/10
But hey, hookah and waterpipe services are now disallowed. You took 8 months of an orally communicable epidemic to say "it's now not okay to share things orally". These rules are lackluster, they are platitudes to allow @PremierScottMoe and his @SaskParty to say 8/10
"Look, we tried our best." It's nothing more than a way for them to take their hands off the problem. It does not matter how many of you get sick, hospitalized, die, or will have life long side effects of COVID. As long as THEY are fine, YOU don't matter. 9/10
In summation: our provincial government is weak and cowardly, unwilling to make the hard decisions for the greater good. We will hit over 3000 active cases by Christmas, which is only 5 weeks away. And I wish I am to be proven wrong, but we both know I won't. 10/10
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