2020 has taken a lot from many of us. But what’s sad is governments using this to encroach further into human choices, selectively.

Mine may not be a loud voice but I must protest against the firecracker ban this Diwali. This is targeted harassment.
If indeed we were trying to solve a pollution problem, you would ban firecrackers totally, right? If you truly cared about our health, you would first ban tobacco and gutkha, correct? If the environment was your concern, all the illegal factories would be shut by now, isn't it?
But, no.

Solving stubble burning is a difficult, real problem to solve.

Enforcing environment laws by factories and others requires real effort.

Penalising construction industry for poor practices would mean huge change.

Let's forget them. Diwali is our solution.
Now, we have smart politicians telling us that lighting a lamp creates smoke. So move to battery operated diyas. The stupidity in that statement is mind-boggling.

But, all such stupidity comes to light around Diwali. Apparently crackers become very clean rest of the year.
You want to convince me to change my rituals and habits - try persuasion. But governments (or their surrogates) running an agenda of selective change is unacceptable.

Irrespective of which party is in power, this encroachment into our lives must be opposed.
It's been years since I burst crackers but this Diwali, I will.
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