MAGA mobs around the country tried to stop the counting of mailed votes for Biden as he caught Trump in several states.

In AZ, however, they thought Trump had a chance of catching up. So Gosar's group demanded that ... all votes be counted.

Which is what officials were doing.
Gosar organized the multi-day protest with Mike Cernovich, a far-right propagandist and anti-democratic activist best-known for helping orchestrate the Pizzagate disinfo campaign that almost got kids killed in DC.

Gosar and Cernovich appear to go back years.

Cerno at the rally:
Gosar also worked with Ali Akbar aka Ali Alexander, a convicted felon and longtime Republican dirty trickster with ties to the Mercer family and numerous far-right brigands such as Logan Cook aka Carpe Donktum.

Alexander has organized "stop the steal" campaigns in the past.
But Twitter has let Alexander do as he pleases, even if he uses the site to abuse people and seemingly condone bloodshed.

Troubling: Alexander has advised Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the past about platform issues, which Dorsey admits.

Jack Dorsey should not be running Twitter.
Alexander and Cernovich weren't the only extremists working with Gosar in AZ. Crazy person Alex Jones showed up to issue a violent speech about destroying leftist scum (by which he means any non-fascist, at this point).

And armed militia members and boogaloo boys turned up.
Some of the militia members barged into the elections center trying to "observe" the vote-counting. As local election law attorney, Tom Ryan, told HuffPost, there should have been immediate legal consequences.
Gosar and Cernovich could also face trouble for conspiracy or aiding/abetting if officials felt threatened by protestors, which would violate a local statute.

And the mob was certainly menacing. Officials needed a police escort back to their cars.
Protestors directly threatened local reporters on the scene. One female reporter had a man tell her he would find where she lives. She filed a police report.

Another reporter was threatened with lynching after Gosar and Cernovich attacked her on Twitter.
Trump supporters harassed other reporters on other nights as the protest outside the elections center continued.

Gosar and Cernovich didn't respond to requests to comment. GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's office had nothing to say.
But Gosar has some explaining to do. The pol appears to be quite the fan of far-right extremism. Gosar has blamed the deadly Charlottesville rally on the political left, praised authoritarian Hungarian leader Viktor Orban and been photographed with Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
At the dinner, Filip Dewinter, a racist far-right Flemish nationalist, beseeched Gosar for support in U.S. Congress for pan-fascist organizing in Europe.

Gosar smiled and nodded.

Watch him do it here in a clip from "The Brink" documentary about Bannon:
In short, the Republican rep doesn't seem to like little 'l' liberal democracy much, relying on it mostly to get into a position to undermine it.

No wonder 6 of Gosar's siblings slammed him for betraying their values during his campaign.

He still won.
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