I'm amazed at how MG can carry out sexy scenes with context and underlying meaning. Their NCs are really something. They all are hot for sure, but the way they executed it with different emotions necessary for the each take is just *hands down*. They would++

++really make you believe they have been together for a very long time bcoz of how comfortable they are with eo's touches. You can feel how they ignite their desires and with foreplays and seductions. Just like in season 1, no kiss and NC is alike. All were++

performed with different purpose and degree. Most importantly, MG are just on a different scale of acting. Their eyes, touches, and even breathing will make you feel like an intruding neighbor who's all up in their business.

On the shower scene, they made ++

with such gentle and soft eyes, as if sealing the promise of an undying love. After few stimulating touches, you can see how the softness shifted into the desire to devour and be devoured. However, despite the hungry gazes, you can feel the passion++

more than anything else. It's like you are witnessing a dance performance with erotic steps and rhythm. It makes you fidget but not uncomfortable.

Comparing it to the toilet scene, you can really see that it is driven by lust for eo from the very beginning. ++

Type's smirking surely knows what is bound to happen, and Tharn is not shying away from his dirty thoughts as well. You can see how different they look at eo in the mirror than when they were in the shower. This is what I love about MG's acting. When they say++

"we try to embody our characters" there was no hint of lies. Often times, I see actors acting an intimate scene with their bodies and movements but never their eyes. It feels obligatory. Yet with these 2, you will momentarily forget who they really are irl.++

You can tell if they are being sweet, seductive, cunning, or seeking permission to touch, all with just the use of their eyes. It shows you how detailed and great they are as actors. They portray their characters deeply, by understanding them to the core,++

and MG has been embodying TharnType like no other.

Also, their breathing is everything. I don't know if it is just me, but them, breathing eo in through their open mouthed kisses, as if the other is the only way to live, adds so much flavor to it. There is ++

a certain type of magic with the way they do it that makes you feel like you're running out of air to breathe as well. There's not even a loud moaning, but their restraint voices adds spice to every heated session, making your heart race and hair stand.++

The past 2 episodes showed a different level of familiar foreplays, such as nose rubbing, breathing through the mouth close to the other, hands and fingers feeling and trailing the body, seductive whispering, etc. It tells us how TharnType keep their sex life++

as exciting and fun as possible, despite the years of being together.

They showed us how TharnType changed over the years without question. We are no longer seeing the teenage boys who are still exploring each other safe zones. MG are perfectly portraying a++

relationship that has long passed the period of flustered and calculated touches. All we can see is a confident couple who knows exactly where to touch to please their partner.

This set them apart from the others. They are raw, real, and determined to show++

what intimacy actually looks like. The backlash of them being too much just means how great and effective their portrayal of TharnType is for others to feel (hot and) bothered and talk about it non-stop.

MG's dynamics really are worthy of applause and praising.

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