Do not listen to the #FreeBritney movement. A conservatorship can be a very stabilizing force in the life of someone with #mentalhealth issues. Due to HIPAA, we do not know what facts point to her need for a conservatorship. A good topic for #lawtwitter. Allow me to elaborate...
In CA, a conservatorship is often the only way to get #mentalhealth care/treatment, for an adult, short of involuntary commitment. Ask @KimKardashian about the difficulties assisting her husband w his bi-polar disorder. Unless the adult is willing, only option is conservatorship.
A conservatorship is court appointed/reviewed as it limits constitutional rights of an individual. It provides the conservator w powers to take care of finances, provide food, clothing, shelter, of the conservatee. Often the ability to force meds to treat mental illness as well.
What #FreeBritney does not take into account is whether the conservatorship is beneficial to her personal safety & mental health. Rather, it simply allows people to get excited over a celebrity and feel like they're doing something good for her. It may be the exact opposite.
Elimination of conservatorship often comes w conservatee decompensation & a refusal to take medications. Spent 6 years of my life being a deputy public guardian & I am offended by the #FreeBritney movement b/c the movement doesn't understand what they are "fighting" for.
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