Weimar Jews and the Holocaust that followed have become fun little playthings - media toys - for journalists to casually toss around, use and exploit to make themselves feel way more important than they are and to elevate fear. This is repugnant and offensive, @camanpour.
TV personalities on MSNBC and CNN know the only chance they have to keep people watching is to terrorize them into high levels of adrenaline and fear. So they have spent 4 years shrieking about fascist coups, concentration camps, and Nazi dictatorships. It's deplorable.
Beyond the lies, these media outlets relentlessly try to keep fear, hatred and polarization levels as high as possible for their own petty goals of ratings and profits. Beyond the lies and conspiracies they spew, the divisions they disseminate are toxic: https://www.amazon.com/Hate-Inc-Todays-Despise-Another/dp/1949017257
Stop exploiting Jews and the Holocaust and Nazi camps for your own sick psychodramas and desperate need for attention, purpose and ratings, you divisive ghouls.
The reason media stars, TV personalities, and various liberal activists keep trying to convince people — and themselves — that they’re the courageous vanguards standing against a Nazi despot, fascist US dictatorship, and an ongoing “coup”:

The media profit motive in keeping everyone terrified and terrorized is also a big reason why they want you to believe that you’re living under a new fascist dictatorship and suffering a coup:
You can follow @ggreenwald.
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