I feel like, as a solo founder, I've only recently begun to understand WHY you should ship often.

Ship regularly. Daily or weekly. For SO many reasons...

Realize you don't know what works.

Sure you could try to think it through in a vacuum. But a far more effective strategy is to consistently put work out there, and get real feedback from real people.

More shots at the net equals more possibility of a swish.
Boost your happiness.

Regularly shipping makes you feel accomplished. That inertia snowballs and helps you ship even more. Your mood stays elevated and you can stay positive through hardship.
Love the process, not the outcome.

Shipping regularly is a practice. You incorporate it into your body. Do it consistently and great results will naturally follow given a long enough time horizon.
Combat your complicated intellect with simple action.

As smart human beings, our vast brains are our biggest strength AND biggest weakness. We have a tendency to over analyze and over complicate everything. It serves no one but ourselves.

If you have to ship, you have to act.
Shipping more means more content.

Content is King. The internet loves content. Put more out there and more people will find you. YOU will find more people in turn.

Send out regular signals and gather the people that share your values as soon as you can.
Avoid perfectionism.

Perfectionism only serves yourself, and poorly at that. We all value quality work, but Perfectionism is just something you hide behind.

If you ship regularly, you better serve others.
To clarify: Shipping means sharing your work with others.

That output can be words, articles, software, art, music, whatever it is you do.

Please share it this week. Share it regularly. Don't wait forever.

You can follow @AWaselnuk.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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