Lately things have been extremely busy, and I have holding on to a bunch of big news related to jihadism and extremism in the region.

I’ll be posting a couple of them shortly, with a few threads on other issues later on.
This was the first news. The 2nd one I meant, but didn’t post earlier, is in the next tweet:
One of the sources who told me about Zawahiri told me about Abu Muhammed al-Masri being killed in Iran several days ago.

My source said the Iranians killed him, though. The chatter in those circles is that his killing by the Iranians is related to shifts in al-Qaeda politics..
The chatter in al-Qaeda circles is interesting because it’s illustrative of internal politics. They accuse Iran of being behind it, because he was killed in Iran. (They wouldn’t know Israeli agents were behind it, as the NYT reports).
The confirmation of Abu Muhammed al-Masri’s killing strengthens my sourcing about Zawahiri, as I was told about the two together.

My confidence in the sourcing emanates from the extensive details I got about internal AQ politics. Now, one bit has been corroborated by @nytimes.
I will elaborate on the internal AQ politics, and some really fascinating shifts when it comes to al-Qaeda and its decisions in the region (from Afghanistan to Idlib to Somalia), some time soon.

Zawahiri’s death might have worsened these issues.
In Aug., Iranian media may have inadvertently revealed how al-Qaeda’s No 2 from Egypt disguised himself in Tehran: a history teacher from Lebanon named Habib Dawoud with daughter 27yo Maryam. He was assassinated at night by a motorcyclist [Israeli agent].
#Iran’s foreign ministry denies that Israeli agents targeted the deputy of al-Qaeda leader in Tehran. An official says such claims about Israeli agents were made before (not sure if they’re denying the targeted happened or that Israeli agents did it). Via @alihashem_tv
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