1/7 Here's another quirky #FF. @collinlieberg for hosting writer zooms. I suck at making them, but they're a lot of fun. @UnicornFilmsLtd for her hosting table reads so writers can hear their words come to life. @SCREAMwritersPC for their stay scared theme in podcasts. ...
2/7 @TheThingforAWD for creating a world that showcases the collaborative effort of bringing a script to life. @shannonandswift kind souls that reach back to illuminate the path on this crazy journey. @maximum_z for his blog, podcast and getting our work out in the world.
3/7 @becauseivy Stetson and all. When you get an inbox me motherfucker you know you've written something. @ScriptPipeline for hosting #pipelinewriters and their support for us crazy scribes. @marketmyscript is a force. @HorrOrigins cuz they love spooky
4/7 Some pros that inspire me for their generosity I've already mentioned S&S but @Massawyrm advice and his there's #day left and if you write #pages tweets @JeffLieber Showrunner Rules, AMA's and large heart, @OKBJGM his treasure trove of FREE info on his site?
5/7 pros continued... @melissahilfers Writer rants aside she's a gem. @EvaSzigriszt will zoom with you in a heartbeat and guide you though what you need to know. @BobSnz he's a writer that been in the trenches and shares to save us. @MickeyFisher73 = generous
7/7 @TheWRACGroup the debt we owe to the generous souls in this group is priceless @thegarygraham is back and I can dig it. Finally to @Mysteryfilmprod for reaching out. There's no guarantee is this life but I know one thing. The people beside you matter.
You can follow @BogeyGuyC.
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