I am gonna make one more thread RE: Cultural Appropriation in the furry fandom in regards to Native people. Know that I’ve so fucking HAD it with this topic.

Do not dress your fursona up as “Native American” just for fun

We're not an aesthetic. We're not a theme.
The thing I hear all the time: “What if I do my research & am respectful?” “What if I admire the culture?” Here’s the thing. 99% of the time, you actually DON’T know the culture. You know the STEREOTYPES. You know what the media taught you & school didn't teach you.
If you tell me “I did research” it better be 4+ years of studying said culture & having gone and contributed something to that culture. That is the ONLY way that MAYBE it is okay to do such a thing. MAYBE then do you understand the relevance & sacredness of the beliefs & culture.
Please… there are SO MANY ways of admiring Native cultures that don’t involve throwing a fucking headdress on your fursona. Go to a powwow. Go to a cultural festival. Watch videos on youtube. Better yet, make a contribution to efforts to keep culture alive if you SO admire it.
That's the thing, you don't admire something you want to take from without giving back. That isn't admiration. That is coveting something that is not yours & hiding behind your fake philosophy of "Well we all borrow from each other".
We as Native people have had 99% of what was ours taken from us, from land, resources, culture, language, way of life, EVERYTHING WE KNEW. Somehow, requesting our cultures be respected & not made a mockery of is too much to ask??
And as for the people who are going to come in and say “It’s a free country, I can do what I want.” Yeah, sure, do what you want, but you will get no respect from us as Native people, It’ll just be another part of your continuing legacy of taking from Native people.
And I have to make this addendum because of the inevitable "But I'm part Native" fuck that'll show up. Yeah you may be, but respect for the culture applies all the same. If you're not following protocols then you're no different than non-Natives. You're stealing from your elders.
Being American Indian isn't something that we wear. It's something that we are. It isn't something we take from, it's something we have a responsibility for. That's what the non-Native mind can't comprehend.
So you, non-Native, how much do you really admire our cultures? Will you come stand as we have to still fight for our land & resource rights? Or does your admiration only extend to where it'll benefit you.
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