So here's the thing.

For all of you looking on in bewilderment, shaking your heads, asking how ANYone can truly believe that 45 won the election, that massive voter fraud occurred, that Biden is a cannibal/pedophile/insert Q crap here...

Here's why.

(A thread.)
Dinosaurs and man co-existed; God created North America as a place for Protestants; all dogs come from one pair on the ark. 

Note: *MY* pastor said dinosaurs were fake & that the commies buried the fake bones to prove evolution & make us all atheists. 1/
Having "learned" from ACE, aBeka, and BJU in my homeschool career, 100% can confirm.

Note: We were homeschooled because in the ACE private school where my older brother attended kindergarten, his teacher wore pants on her days off. 3/
It just keeps going and going...

Note: I can only vouch for 9th grade BJU; I didn't do textbooks the last 3 years of my "education" because Jesus didn't want women to learn math or science.

I was a "keeper at home" and cooked, cleaned, provided childcare. 4/
aBeka, again - remember the white supremacy in the church I keep talking about?

Note: "Casting out Nines" is something aBeka teaches. Does it work? Yes. Is it unbelievably forking complicated when a calculator is RIGHT THERE? Also yes. 5/
Why is outdated math relevant? Again, New is Wrong. It's important to remember that "fact" because if science and mathematics show something new that contradicts your belief system, well, then it's automatically "fake news". Sound familiar? 6/
Theocracy, NOT Democracy, is the goal.

Note: I often asked how we'd have theocracy when none of the 20+ churches in town believed the others were Troo Christians. This was not a popular query. 7/
In case you were wondering if thousands of people now working in government literally believe the rest of us are evil - why yes, they do! 8/
And if you can believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists today, because God is using her to disprove evolution, why *not* believe in unseen by most but surely real massive voter fraud? 9/
I'm highlighting the whole damn thing because WOW.

Note: This was actively taught in the churches I was in, along with the "fact" that Black people are either the direct descendants of Satan or else cursed descendants of Ham. 10/

CC: @sthembete
Did they whitewash - every pun intended - the Klan? Of course! These textbooks were written and taught by people from the private-Christian-School-because Blacks era. 12/
Anyway....I could go on & on about this all day long, but the point is...yes. People really DO wholeheartedly believe things like 45 being the Chosen One and Democrats having demons.

This has been in the making for decades. I've been warning about it for at least 3 of those.13/
Check out #exposechristianschools and #ExposeChristianHomeschool and #EmptyThePews and, well, anything at all by @C_Stroop and @RLStollar and @JeffSharlet - the slow-moving coup attempt currently happening has been decades in the making. /fin
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