For reference, Japan had 1,587 cases in the whole country and 16 deaths.

They have 126M people.

Iowa has 3.2M people

South Korea had 146 cases. 2 deaths.

They have 51.64 Million People

Iowa has 3.2M people
Australia had 5 cases. 0 deaths.

Australia has 25M people

Iowa has 3.2M
New Zealand has 4 cases. 0 deaths.

NZ hasn't had a death in their country since September 16th. They have had less deaths during the entire pandemic (25) than we've had in a single day (29 on Nov 11th).
Thailand has 5 new cases, 0 deaths.

Their cases are at 3852, deaths at 60

Thailand has 69.5MM people.
Vietnam has 3 new cases, 0 deaths.

They have 1256 cases total, and 35 total deaths.

Vietnam has 95.54M people
Cambodia has 1 new case. Laos has 0 new cases.

Total cases for Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos is 5,433 TOTAL CASES SINCE THE START OF THE PANDEMIC!

They have a total of 95 deaths.

Their combined population is 188M People.

Iowa has 3.2M.
It didn't have to be this way.

The @GOP nation-wide downplayed the seriousness of this pandemic.

The @GOP followed @realDonaldTrump's lead and lied to the American people.

The @GOP is just as responsible for this as @realDonaldTrump is.

It didn't have to be this way.
The idea that you can still go to bars and restaurants in Iowa, while schools close down should forevermore cement in everyone's brain that the @IowaGOP doesn't care about education.

Anyone who hears a R-candidate in the future speak - in any way - about their support for the
Education system in Iowa should be booed and shamed.
Any @IowaGOP candidate who says they 'support our frontline workers can get in the fucking river.

They cannot conscience this abysmal failure and be greeted in public with anything but scorn.

They are getting Iowans sick. Their continued decisions are getting Iowans killed.
Seriously, look at @joniernst 's twitter page right now. I had to go all the way back to Oct. 22nd to find any mention of COVID, and it was to attack @GreenfieldIowa for having 'liberal allies' who won't negotiate with her on 'relief'
As I scrolled, I saw event after event in which the Senator was hugging people and extolling the wonders of the large crowds she, @tedcruz @VP @ChuckGrassley and the Trump kids were pulling together in our state.
Now back to her offical twitter account, @SenJoniErnst hasn't tweeted about COVID since Nov 2nd. When she tweeted out an article claiming that she is 'working to ensure Iowans have access to free COVID-19 testing'

Of his Agency, as Congress apparently doesn't give a shit about additional CARES act funding.

The Cares act was passed March 27th. Today is November 13th.
BTW, this charade is what the @GOP is braying about today. Not the frightening level of cases that are growing exponentially, or the 9/11 that's happening every 3 days.

They're coddling @realDonaldTrump's hurt feelings.
And this. Suuuuuuper helpful.
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