I don't dislike economics as a field of study & mark it as "not a science" because of some disdain for the more applied studies, but rather because a lot of economics is built on capitalist assumptions of human behavior that just literally do not hold up to scrutiny
"all material goods are scarce because everyone will always want more" only holds up if you don't look too close

"money was created as a solution to the coincidence of wants" is just literally not historically accurate
I can totally accept that modern economics often studies real-life systems of trade & finance as it exists currently. However, they don't give that disclaimer when it's discussed, taught, etc. The conclusions are often discussed as basic facts of life
It's basically game theory regarding one specific game, which seems to be assumed fundamental to the human experience.

I admit that my attitude regarding economics is somewhat influenced by the fact that its study almost exclusively helps the rich.
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