I wish it was safe to talk in specifics about my work, you cant openly support trump in the non-profit sector

Nobody will talk about how the branch covidian antics are killing the homeless & working poor or how Trump's USDA programs are the only thing keeping charities afloat
Biden would be a fucking nightmare. The federal and state governments typically give nothing or very little to pantries and soup kitchens, we're supported by the faithful through church and businesses. Trump flipped that when lockdowns wiped out donations and supply chain.
I'm not anti-entitlement but stuff like SNAP cash is basically a bribe to inner city voters to vote blue and gets spent at bodegas and converted to booze or opiates. Biden will redirect all the money trump is spending on american farm food for us right back to his ballot stuffers
Nobody knows how covid basically made his wacky Trump Steak Box a reality and it was actually really great, it makes so much more sense to buy fresh american produce and meat than rescue half-rotten shit from bougie grocery stores who want a tax break
This is reason #85738 I get belligerent when soft hand urban leftoids start class-splaining about how Trump is exactly the same as Biden but racist or whatever so voting doesn't matter. Its gonna be a dark fucking winter when he's gone.
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