FYI: When I talk about gentrification, I'm focused on the systems + levers that allow for the systemic harm & violent displacement of BIPOC + immigrant communities rather than talking about gentrifiers. Let me explain.
People do harm & we're all existing underneath capitalism that makes it really hard not to do harm somewhere. I also think conversations focus too much on nativism which often feels anti-migrant (plus, we're all on stolen land). People move. They should be able to move.
But the conversation needs to stay focused on: who gets to move, who gets to stay, and how private developers/real estate/our broken land use process allows for these wider disparities. I think it's why in Sunset Park, we must fight & make a sharp analysis of this.
Sunset Park's history is one of continual movement from European immigrants to Latinx immigrants to now Asian immigrants. But all these communities (plus newer growing ones) now face displacement which is violent & rooted in capitalism/real estate speculation/developers.
I moved to NYC in my last semester of college. The first place I ate at was an El Salvadoran spot on my block. I've lived and been in my neighborhood for close to a decade. I'm 29. I'm privileged to be able to continue to afford my neighborhood as my neighbors are priced out.
It's why I fight this hard. Even within my timespan, I'm living through a massive upheaval and removal of BIPOC families and businesses to make way for luxury buildings. The ability for even myself to stay within my neighborhood is questionable as rent rises.
And it's also why I'm glad to do this organizing amongst people who have lived in Sunset Park all their lives and those who just arrived to the US and Sunset Park is all they know to those who have just found it and recognize why it's worth fighting.
ALL THAT SAID, here's to fighting for the housing revolution. We must be bold & not root our solutions in private interests or gains. What does a Housing Guarantee look like in NYC? How can we build more public housing? How do we invest in CLTs? How can we house *everyone*?
Sorry for this repost! I tried to rearrange things then got lost in the threads so had to start over.
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