Seeing men say "just get a job and save" if you want your degree is very insulting.
1) while we socialize boys to be independent and seek jobs as young as possible, we don't do that for girls.

2) Men are more likely to be promoted than women and this earn more money
3) women are sex stereotyped into the care economy - aka a very underpaid (when they are paid) industry because care work isn't valued.

4) Poor families rely on the girls to take care of the household. Get a job where? And housework isn't something we get paid for
5) the chances of girls and women leaving jobs because of sexual harassment in the workplace is high.
And ofc its ALWAYS the woman's fault.

6) The gender wage gap is not a myth and ontop of earning less than men women have pink tax to think about and pads and fem products.
Congrats your male privilege allows you to simply "get a job and save" for your degree.

But for women its extremely difficult, worse yet when there's other factors that gender intersects with - class, dis/ability etc.
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