There was only One person campaigning this election for President, the other person planned a crime.
There are laws that prevent criminals from "profiting" from their crimes. Serial killers can't write books and keep the money for example.
I was close enough to these people to lay out their criminal plans months ago.
I'm not psychic, I can move around their "sphere of influence" for many reasons which will be out soon. So, I knew what they were planning and it was entirely criminal. One person works hard, saves money, invests, and becomes wealthy. Another person robs a bank
hurting businesses and people, invests that money, and becomes wealthy. Should they benefit from their entirely criminal scheme?
That's what Biden is doing, with the constant help of the MSM and social media.
Now he is trying to legitimize his Stolen position by speaking
to world leaders, after PERSONALLY PROSECUTING GENERAL FLYNN FOR THE SAME THING, an Imagined Logan act violation.
The thief who robbed the bank, invested, and got rich, is now trying to donate money and "look good" to cover his original crime.
There was no legitimate and legal campaign from the Democrats and Biden. They filed all of their paperwork to run for president, in every state, under false pretenses.
The constant media questions to president Donald Trump about "accepting the results" and "will you leave the
White House", clearly demonstrate this setup and their involvement.
There must be something in the paperwork they filed to run in every state about illegal activity, intention, something. If someone goes over that paperwork, someone with a much better legal mind than I have.
I believe they can find a legal reason why Joe Biden should be removed from the ballot in every state or at least in those states where the fraud is known and proven. Meaning, Donald Trump ran unopposed in those states, there is no contest and they must be awarded to him.🙏🙏🙏
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