Key to Achieving Gender Equality - a thread 👇

1/6 To really drive #genderequality, I believe men play a critical role. Without men (who often, still today are the most powerful stakeholders) supporting women to achieve their full potential, significant progress is unlikely
2/6 I believe that many initiatives overlook the involvement of men by focusing only on women and might therefore reinforce the perception that gender equality is simply a women’s issue

Women don’t need to change! We need to have better systems that support them!
3/6 Even though I’m personally only at the very beginning of my career I’m very grateful for the male allies who have supported me and given me access to their social networks
4/6 I’m also grateful for the men who I see supporting women in everything that they do like @niklasfrankhall and @m1tchdeleon or @henrikwsanchez who organizes Female Founder Office Hours at @playfaircapital
5/6 To remind you of the impact of advancing gender equality: @McKinsey projected that if women played an identical role in labor markets to that of men, as much as $28 trillion could be added to global annual GDP by 2025
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