Did you receive an invitation to complete the Center for the Army Profession and Leadership Annual Survey of Army Leadership (aka CASAL) in your email this week? Not sure what it is? Here’s what you need to know
First, if you didn’t receive an invitation to participate, don’t worry! Selection for receipt is random (to an extent … we will explain). If yes, please fill it out – it’s important!
CASAL is an attitude survey - but not your typical attitude survey. It asks about your experiences and what you have observed. It poses questions about your development, the leadership actions of those around you, the conditions in which they occur, and uses open ended questions.
CASAL invitations go out to about ½ of SGTs-COLs from all three components and about 1/10 of Army Civilians. Individuals are randomly selected using mathematical algorithms to ensure everyone in a rank group has an equal chance of being invited.
While there have been many attitude surveys over the years, CASAL has been an enduring and important means to provide input to senior leaders on issues about the adequacy of leader development, the quality of leadership, and enablers and distractors to both.
Findings from CASAL have been used by senior leaders to initiate new programs, curtail some, and to improve others. CASAL feedback on self-development, Army education, and operational experience positions the Army to make well-informed improvements to each.
This year’s survey covers many of those issues along with expanded coverage on contemporary issues about Army culture, NCO and civilian leader development, and teamwork in squads.
Finally, and most importantly, the confidentiality of individual responses is assured!
So now you know a bit more about CASAL, why you have or have not received it, and why you REALLY should fill it out. What are you waiting for? The Army needs your feedback!
You can follow @USACAPL.
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